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Political Science

This research guide has sources suggested for political science.

Know Your Sources

Use the CABLE Method to Evaluate Resources

  • Currency (When?) When was it published or last updated? Are references to other resources up to date?
  • Authority (Who?) Who wrote the information and what are their credentials? Is additional information about the author available?
  • Bias  (Why?) What does the author say is the purpose of the resource? Is more than one point of view presented?
  • Level  (What?) How useful is this information for your purpose? Does it cover your subject in enough depth? Do you feel comfortable citing this page in a college-level assignment?
  • Explore  (Where?) Has the author published other useful information?  Do you have access to the cited resources? Are there similar or more definitive resources on this subject matter?

Adapted from: The Library Instruction Cookbook "CABLE Cook-off: Learning to Evaluate Web Sites" (90-91)

Understanding Web Domains

The domain of a website provides basic information about the creating entity of the site. This information helps you to determine the site's authority.

DOMAIN  Source Types
.com Commercial entities
.edu Educational institutions
.gov Government agencies
.org Non-profit organizations
.mil Military
.net Network infrastructures


Internet Resources