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ECD 107: Exceptional Children

Early Childhood & Education Databases

Use these Education Databases to find scholarly articles, published in the last five years.

Start Your Search

1. Start your search by identifying your keywords and search terms.

Examples:  children AND inclusion  "children with disabilities"   "exceptional children"

2. Select a database from the Library Databases linked on this page.

3. Click on the link to Advanced Search under the search box.

Advanced Search Filters


4. Type in your search terms and select SU or TI from the dropdown box on the right.

(Using the SU filter looks for your search terms are a subject of the article. TI looks for your search terms in the title of the article.)

5. Scroll down on the page and limit you search to articles published in the last 5 years and click the Peer Reviewed box.

6. Hit search.

Get the article and APA Citation


7. Choose an article from the search results page and look for the Full text link under the article and click it. 

APA Citations in Library Databases


8. To find the APA Citation, click the title of the article on the Results page.

9. On the right side of the screen, under tools, find the cite button and click it. 

10. On the new page, scroll down to the APA citation to copy & paste in your Annotated Bibliography. 

ECD sample citation

ALWAYS double check the formatting of citations pulled from library databases. These citations are computer generated and may have errors.

For more help with citations and APA formatting, schedule an appointment with the TTC Writing Center.