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How to Use Ebsco eBooks

Information on how to search, read records, download, and read books in the Ebsco eBook collection

The Detailed Record

eBook Detailed Record

A Detailed Record can be viewed by clicking an eBook title in the Result list. From the Detailed Record, you can read or download the eBook using the links in the left column. From the right column, you can print, email, save, or export the record, as well as add the details about the eBook to your folder.

If available, the Detailed Record displays the number of copies available via Concurrent Access.

At the bottom of the Detailed Record, you can view Most Relevant Pages from this eBook and the Table of Contents. Both sections can be collapsed or expanded by clicking the plus (+) or minus (-) in the upper left corner of the section.

  • Most Relevant Pages from this eBook: Displays the most relevant sections of the eBook in which your search terms appear in the text.

  • Table of Contents: Displays the Table of Contents for the eBook you are viewing. Clicking on a hyperlinked chapter opens the chapter in the eBook Viewer tool.