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ART101 ART History and Appreciation: Books (Ebooks and Hardcopy Print)

Finding Ebooks

Electronic books (Ebooks) are a wonderful resource for your academic assignments.  They are BOOKS.  Not online sources.  There are three common ways to locate Ebooks in the TTC library system.

  1. Conduct a standard catalog search.  Limit your results to "Avaliable Online".  To access all online titles, in your catalog search request titles from  TTC & PASCAL  (Our statewide shared collection of 55  SC college libraries).
  2. Use our Online Databases, specifically the ProQuest Ebook Central database and the EBSCO Ebook Collection. (A-Z database page).

Note:  In most cases, you will be requested to submit your TTC username and password to access the Ebook. 


  1. Search for a specific Artist by Name.
  2. Search for a specific Period of Art. 
  3. Use the Advanced Search feature, if possible, to narrow down the number of results and to retrieve more relevant results.

Sample of Art Ebooks (Available online)

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